Instructions for a Venmo donation:
- You will need to have a Venmo account. Setting one up is free and easy.
- Scan our QR code, and click on the link below which will take you to the Venmo screen. Or search @Frankfort-UMC in Venmo.
- Enter the amount of your donation
- IMPORTANT - In the "What's it for box" - please include your full name and phone number. Also, please identify any special message you have about the gift or its use.
- Click pay
Frankfort and Elberta Methodist Churches accept secure online donations through VenmoGiving at Frankfort & Elberta United Methodist Church
We encourage all of those who are part of our Church family to give not out of obligation but out of worship. Your gifts allow God's work to be done in the community.
- We always appreciate donations given in the collection plate and through the missions basket. But, there is a way to give online:
- You can donate to the church operating fund or make a Special Gift to the designation of your choosing. Select the Give Online button.
- You can also give through a Legacy Gift. Name the church as a beneficiary in your bequest and estate plans, including gifts of stock, property, and insurance benefits. (Contact the Church office at 231-352-7427.
Give Conveniently Online - Even When You Can't Attend Service.
Online gifts are made quickly and securely through VENMO. Using VENMO allows us to offer online without extra costs. All of your donations can go to their intended use.
Have questions or need more information?
Contact: The Frankfort Church Office at 231-352-7427.